Friday, December 3, 2010

Review tomorrow: Saturday, 12:30 - 2:00 PM

Also, i added an additional final practice problem in the Transient Circuits Lab post below.


  1. Can you post the review notes online? I had a conflicting review and presume other students may have as well.
    Thank you!

  2. I was able to go to the review but I also was wondering if you could post the notes?

  3. Are you going to give us a problem with RCL, LC, and RC circuits that are connected to a battery?

  4. no, maybe, and yes.

    also, we like to call RCL LC-R.
    (why is that?)

  5. So in your "Functions and Graphs that are critically important" blog post, you said :

    "1) a growing exponential that usually starts at zero, and grows, first at a high rate and then more slowly, to an asymptotic limiting value.
    2) a decreasing exponential that begins at a finite value––not zero––and decreases exponentially to zero (or, in some cases, to a finite limiting value which is not zero).

    These graphs are associated with the functions exp(-t/tau) and (1-exp(-t/tau)), respectively."

    but isn't that the opposite? I thought the growing exponential that starts at zero and grows corresponded to (1-e^-t/tau) and the decreasing exponential corresponded to (e^-t/tau).

    Am I wrong or is your blog post wrong?

  6. Will we have more of an essay based final? that would be great
