Sunday, October 24, 2010

What you might want to have on your index card.

For the midterm you are allowed to bring  a 4 x 6 index card with some equations on it. Please don't get carried away or write too small.  The card should only have about 10 or 20 equations on it. That's all you need, probably not even that much really. Constants, like k and eps_0 are also again idea and also "e".

Some things you could include are:
  the equations that relate voltage, current and resistance.
  Equations that relate voltage, charge and capacitance.
  expressions for the energy stored in the capacitor in terms of charge and capacitance,  or voltage and  capacitance, or charge and voltage.
   An expression for the energy density (inside a capacitor) in terms of electric field
   An  expression for the electric field created by a point charge.
   An expression for the electric potential created by a point charge.
   values for k and eps_0

Is there anything else? That is all I can think of at the moment, but perhaps there are other things that would be useful also.


  1. Which one is this one: An expression for the energy density (inside a capacitor) in terms of electric field?

    (Does it involve the lowercase sigma symbol, or is it the equation like: u_E = .5 * (e_0 * E^2), or does it have to do with parallel plate capacitors?).

  2. Will the equation for a capacitor with a dielectric be helpful? C= (k*eps_0*A)d
